All posts by yogaswole

Get in a Workout Even When on Vacation!!

IMG_6621This week I am preparing and packing for vacation.  My husband and I are going to be taking a two week cruise in the Mediterranean. We will be visiting Italy, Turkey, and Greece.  In order to prepare for travel, one of the most important things I do is to plan and write down my schedule and workouts ahead of time.  It is important for me, that while I am away, I still find time to workout. Working out is an important part of my everyday life and I want to make sure I can continue to maintain some sort of balance and routine even while I travel. Plus, since I have started my training for the NYC marathon I need to run 6 days a week.  So it’s even more critical for me to have a workout plan in place. I want to be sure I get my workouts in and still have plenty of time to enjoy this once in a lifetime vacation.

Continue reading Get in a Workout Even When on Vacation!!


Why Everyone Should Run a Marathon…

AFullSizeRender (24)bout 5 years ago, when I lived in Brookline, MA a friend of mine was trying to get me to start running with her.  At the time, she was training for her first marathon and I remember thinking she was crazy! I had no desire to run, let alone train for a marathon. I often argued with her and told her I couldn’t run, that I wasn’t built that way, and that my body was not physically capable of such a thing.  Looking back, I could not have been more wrong.  Today, I love running and wish I would have started sooner because everyone can be a runner! Whether your run a 12 minute mile or 7 minute mile you are still a runner!

Continue reading Why Everyone Should Run a Marathon…


Stretches for Runners

luluStretching is an important component to any fitness routine.  I love to actively stretch and encourage all my friends and students to practice yoga on a regular basis.  However, if you can’t get to class here are a few static stretches you can do AFTER your run (when your muscles are warm and joints lubricated) to help with recovery. Stretching helps improve performance and prevent aches and pains. Continue reading Stretches for Runners


Let’s Plank!


A strong healthy practice, starts with a strong healthy core.

Those of you who know me or have taken one of my classes know that I LOVE planks!! I am sure to incorporate tons of planks into my flows.  When coming to class, you can expect planks, side planks, plank holds, and plank push-ups 🙂

The plank is one of the best exercises you can do for your core because it works your transverse abdominals or your “six pack” abdominal muscles. It also helps to  engage your back, arms, shoulders, glutes, and hamstrings.  Just a few of the reasons why I love planks so much! Continue reading Let’s Plank!
