Tag Archives: love

Block Party

Why yoga blocks can enhance your yoga poses:

block crowDid you ever try using blocks for yoga? If not, you should consider incorporating them into your yoga routine.  Blocks can be extremely useful to your yoga practice. They can help provide length, stability, and comfort, but can also create a challenge and are a great way to enhance your practice.

Blocks can help you progress into the more challenging variations of certain yoga poses, helping you build better strength and balance, and allowing your body to get into a more effective shape of the posture.

Yoga blocks provide: Flexibility, Strength, Support, & Balance

block pyramidAs you work to increase balance and flexibility in your practice, yoga blocks are a great tool. Yoga blocks allow you to safely move into poses so that you are aligned, open, and feeling good.block triangle When your are having a hard time performing some poses, for example half moon pose, warrior pose, pyramid, or triangle; the blocks can serve as a supporting tool that you can place your hand(s) on to help bring the floor to you, allowing for added length to your arms and getting full extension in the pose. Choose the block height based on your flexibility. Note that you may choose a different height each time you get on your mat.

Yoga blocks can also provide support. Blocks can support your head and neck during lying positions or support your weight during sitting and standing positions. In a lying position, place the block under your neck to avoid straining your neck or spine. In seated positions, try sitting on a block; either cross legged or legs behind you as in hero’s pose for example. Sitting on a block is a great way to alleviate any tension or discomfort on your knees. When in a standing pose, for an extra challenge or degree of difficulty, try standing on the block (i.e. maybe in tree pose or warrior III) and see how it feels, this is a great way to work your balance and your core.

butt on blockAdditionally, since yoga blocks can help support weight, they can also maintain balance. This is helpful during standing, squatting, as well as sitting positions. Blocks will help you find your center of gravity so you can maintain your balance and hold a position longer, feeling more open and aligned.block bridge 2

So next time you’re in class, rather than worrying about how the blocks will make you look, think about how they will make you feel!


What I learned on my trip to Disney World…

Last dans family picweekend I went to Disney World with my husband’s family. We went to celebrate my in-laws 50th Wedding Anniversary. While Disney World is not really my thing; I don’t like rides, I get unfortable in big crowds, don’t do well waiting in lines, and I do not like the heat and humidity…I still had a great time and I learned a few things along the way. Continue reading What I learned on my trip to Disney World…


Explore. Dream. Discover.

compass 2“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain

At times, I can get uncomfortable with the idea of having uncertainty in any area or aspect of my life. I am an over scheduler (to a fault, I have a hard time saying no) and a planner.  I plan my schedule rigidly to the minute- how long I’ll sleep, when I’ll workout, work, hang with friends, spend time with family etc… I’ve got a schedule lined up for the next few days, weeks, and even months.

I like to have control and I enjoy having things a certain way so I know what to expect. For example, I know that on Monday I am going to wake up walk the dogs, run, go to crossfit, yoga, work, test, teach, have dinner go to bed…. Then it’s back to square one on Tuesday. I feel comfortable knowing what to expect. So when I lose this control it can result in discomfort, anxiety, and sometimes fear. However, I’ve discovered recently that it’s ok to have uncertainty in life and it actually can be kind of fun!!

Having quit my job this fall/winter to open a yoga studio (that hasn’t opened yet, but I’m still working on), I began freaking out… “what was I going to do for work while I waited for my plans to fall into place?”.  I got anxious, wondering to myself “what the hell was I going to do with my life?”,  I tried not to freak out and began to have faith that it would all workout and that the universe would guide me to where I was supposed to be. I discovered that uncertainty sometimes forces us to explore aspects in life we never even knew existed and that’s what makes uncertainty and change so beautiful. Having done so, I started encountering numerous opportunities, found new jobs, met new people, etc.. that I would never have, if my plans weren’t altered or  if I had stayed inside my comfort zone.

So while I still believe that planning is important and having goals are good too, it’s also ok to take a leap of faith, jump and see where you land.  Trust that something will be there to catch you.   So when you hit bumps in the road and need to alter your plan, just go with it. Think of it as a new adventure and see where the road leads!!

live and loveRight now, I could not be happier!!  Change and uncertainty are crucial in the process of creating the type of life we want to live and the people we want to be. I’ve tried to open my eyes and embrace not having everything figured out all the time.  So if you think of the future and you don’t see any clear picture, rather than get stressed or anxious, think of it as a blank canvas with endless opportunities to fill it with color. Maybe wake up one morning with no plans and just paint as you go, creating your own beautiful masterpiece.

Just like in the quote above by Mark Twain- explore life, discover new things, go after your dreams; accept change and uncertainty and begin to explore the unknown.

Good Luck & Have FUN!!


We Finish Together

KimThis past November, I came across an article in Runner’s World Magazine about a woman with a terminal illness who was running her last marathon, The Marine Corp Marathon.  The woman in the story was Kim Garrard Stemple. Kim was once a special education teacher, then school principal and cross country coach, but when she became sick in 2009 she stopped working. Over the last several years, Kim has been diagnosed with mitochondrial disease, (which causes progressive mental and physical deterioration), as well as lupus, benign bone tumors, lymphoma, and sodium channelopathy. Kim is currently receiving treatment but her condition is terminal.  Even with a grim prognosis, Kim doesn’t let her illness get in her way. Kim continues to live a positive life, doing what she loves, helping to support and inspire others along the way.   Continue reading We Finish Together


30 Perfect Things!

I have been thinking about how often people take things for granted.  How we sometimes focus on the negative in our lives and we forget about all the good things.  Somehow we’ve learned to believe that we need material items to be happy.  So we go to work, hoping to make lots of money so we can buy things we want.  We believe that these items will help us feel more fulfilled or make us feel that we matter; proving our worth to the world.

Since I quit my job and taken a pay cut, my husband put me on a budget.  At first I thought, “what am I going to do?” Then I realized that I don’t need much.  I have so much already and more than what money can buy.  I started to think about all of the wonderful things in my life and having done so, I feel more content, more happy, and more sure that I am exactly where I need to be in life.  

We don’t need to buy things to make our lives beautiful or joyous. We don’t need more glamorous items in our lives to find happiness and contentment. We can find these wonderful qualities in what’s already in front of us.

At times, I forget this. But in my best moments, I remember and my heart expands with more love for life and everyone around me.

In my mind, these things are perfect and are proof that we don’t need to buy anything to be happy, cool, excited, or content:

  1. Family
  2. A quiet morning walk with the dogs before sunrise
  3. A run outdoors with good friends
  4. A great cup of coffee
  5. Reading a book curled up on the couch
  6. A hug
  7. A yoga practice
  8. A delicious fruit smoothie
  9. Holding the door for someone
  10. A good workout
  11. Hot soup and good bread
  12. A song that gets you singing and/or dancing
  13. Fresh fallen snow
  14. The sound of the ocean
  15. Meeting a new friend
  16. A sunset
  17. Leaves changing colors
  18. A fire in the fireplace
  19. Cuddling with your significant other
  20. Sunday mornings in bed
  21. Pancakes
  22. Spending time with friends
  23. A bite of mango
  24. Reflecting on life, blogging
  25. People laughing around you
  26. Imagining future possibilities
  27. Helping someone else
  28. Writing a note, email, or text to someone you care about  
  29. Knowing that you love yourself
  30. You

“Happiness isn’t about getting what you want all the time. It’s about loving what you have and being grateful for it.”


Fundraising Raffle Recap

TeamUpTinyIf you had the opportunity to read my previous blog, London Marathon 2016, you may already know that I have been selected to run for Team Up with Autism Speaks on their elite London Marathon Team.  The marathon will take place on April 24, 2016 and I have pledged to raise $10,000 for this great cause.  In an effort to raise some of the money I held my very first Tricky Tray Raffle.  It took months of planning and hard work, but it was well worth it in the end!  The raffle took place last Sunday and I could not have been happier with how things turned out.  

IMG_6075Read on to learn more about why hosting a fundraiser is so much fun and get some great tips on hosting you very own Tricky Tray Raffle!! Continue reading Fundraising Raffle Recap



happy heartImagine if everyone could be happy all the time and we could spread happiness around like confetti. Imagine what kind of world we would live in. Wouldn’t the world be a better and brighter place?

I do believe that happiness can be attainable. While it may be unlikely to be happy 100% of the time, I think it is possible to find it in even in the worst situations. Choosing to be happy and to stay positive can make even the most challenging situations, easier to bear.   Why spend energy being angry or sad when you can spend it thinking about the good things in your life. Continue reading COME ON GET HAPPY…..


Love and Marriage

5292_115930410492_573320492_2803623_6312333_nIn honor of Valentine’s Day, Dan and I have decided to co-write this week’s blog about our strategies for a great relationship.  It seems like  everywhere you look there’s an article or news segment about high divorce rates, cheating spouses and generally unhappy couples.  We are here to tell you that building a successful relationship is not impossible! Even in today’s fast paced world, we find that through honest communication and a few other strategies, it can be easy to maintain a happy home life.  Remember that your spouse or significant other should be your partner, you’re in this together and you need to work together to make your marriage last.  Read on to discover a few of the things we feel has made our relationship one of the success stories. Continue reading Love and Marriage


5 Ways to Boost Your Self Confidence

beyouSelf-confident people can often be admired by others as well as inspire confidence in them. People who have self confidence are more apt to be risk takers and the sort of people who like to face challenges head-on. They know that no matter what obstacles come their way, they have the ability to get passed them. Self-confident people will often see their lives in a positive light even when things aren’t going so well.

Wouldn’t it be great to have this kind of self-confidence, every day ? Guess what? You can!!

“Low self-confidence isn’t a life sentence. Self-confidence can be learned, practiced, and mastered–just like any other skill. Once you master it, everything in your life will change for the better.” –Barrie Davenport

Continue reading 5 Ways to Boost Your Self Confidence
