My yoga journey started about 10 years ago. I have to admit, I was kind of in a dark place at the time and a friend of mine dragged me to my first class. I wasn’t sure what to expect or if it would even help me feel better. While I liked the class, I was still a little skeptical about yoga, but I decided to give it another try. After a handful of times, I started to see and feel the benefits of yoga. I began to recognize ways that yoga was beginning to change my life. It helped me feel better in my body, feel better about myself, be in the moment more, see the world in a brighter light, and appreciate the people and things around me more. Yoga has opened my eyes to so much and ever since then, yoga has been a huge part of my life and a huge part of my daily routine. I am not sure where I would be without it.
I knew I always wanted to teach. I always played school when I was a kid, which eventually led me to going to college and grad school for education. I received my degree in Elementary and Special Education, a masters in Special Education, and a CAGS in Administration. Becoming a yoga teacher seemed like a natural progression. First, I started to incorporate it into my classroom and was amazed by the results. I saw first hand the benefits it not only had on me, but on my students as well. I knew yoga was pretty special. So when I moved to NJ with my husband almost 5 years ago, I finally decided to get my yoga certification so I could share the joys of yoga with others. I wanted to give back to a community that had given me so much. I fell in love with teaching yoga and decided that I’d one day have a studio of my own.
While most people talk about their dreams, I try to go out and grab mine. I have always been a goal setter and a slight over achiever. I sometimes don’t know when to stop. Once I achieve a goal, I quickly move on to the next one. I try to enjoy every second of this amazing life and never want to miss an opportunity to truly live. I am always trying to push the boundaries and see what I am truly capable of. I’m not afraid of a little hard work and when people tell me I can’t do something, I will work even harder to prove them wrong. Now I know that there are cards stacked against me in regards to opening my own business, but I firmly believe that I can and will be successful. At the end of the day, if I can help people and help better their lives in even the smallest of ways, than I have already succeeded. I look to the future filled with excitement and optimisms for being able to help people and allow them to learn and grow so they too can be and do their best. I can’t wait for the studio to open come January!
chose the name emPOWER Yoga because I want people to leave the studio feeling empowered and strong, ready to take on the day with enthusiasm and strength, knowing that they can tackle any obstacle that may get in their way. We are capable of so much more than what we give ourselves credit for. I hope that when my students step on their mat, they begin to see and understand that. I hope they can cultivate strength and awareness on their mat’s that will transcend off their mats and into their daily lives.
The studio will offer a variety of vinyasa based classes that are appropriate for all levels. I am dedicated to spreading the love of yoga to all in a safe, fun, and encouraging way. I will work hard to help my students learn and grow so they can be and do their best. I hope to get them ready for new experiences that will help them push past their boundaries and open them up to new ideas and challenges, both physically and spiritually. I hope to inspire people to be the best version of themselves and live their best life.
To learn more about the studio and classes, follow us on FB or IG @empoweryoganj or visit our website: Stayed tuned for studio updates and special promotions.