Category Archives: Yoga

Keep the Past in the Past!

It’s time to let go of your past.  

I’ve had many sleepless nights. Nights when I was so worried about something that had happened and that I let it dictate my future. We’ve all been there at some point. You’re not alone.

Whether it’s something small (i.e saying something you wish you hadn’t) or something big (i.e a divorce, death, job loss), harping on negative experiences is painful and can cause so much unneeded stress and anxiety.   

We need to not dwell on the past and think about something more positive.  Here are some ways to help:

1. Learn from the past and move on.

Not all experiences we have will be good. However there is something to be learned from them all.  Take time to reflect on your experiences and use them as a tool for self reflection so that you can learn and grow but don’t dwell on them.  dwelling to much on things keeps the negativity around.  

2. Express yourself.

It’s good to talk about your feelings. Don’t keep them bottled up inside.  Whether it’s talking to the individual who has harmed you (or who you harmed), venting to a friend or writing it down, expressing your feelings can assist you in sorting out what, if anything, needs to be done to move on.

3. Accept Responsibility for your actions.

Sometimes when things happen, we don’t always accept responsibility for our actions. We get defensive, and we want to play the victim.  The problem is, blaming others harbors anger and prevents you from moving forward. Accept responsibility for what happened and move on.

4. Focus on the present.

One of the best ways to let go of your past is to embrace the present. Instead of reliving the past, keep yourself active and enjoy the current moment.

Be mindful- enjoy time with people you love and doing the things you love (i.e. going to dinner, running, taking a yoga class, having coffee with friends, etc.).  Accept that negative feelings are a part of life, but you can choose to look at the positive and make your own happiness.

5. Disconnect for a while.

Allow yourself to take some time away so that you can clear your head. Maybe meditate, find a quiet spot to read, head to the beach (my favorite place to disconnect). When you return, you’ll have a better perspective on the past and look more positive towards the future..

6. Let go of negative people in your life.

Are there people in your life who are bringing you down? Are they preventing you from moving forward?  Move away from these people to find more positive people who will empower you. Meet people at your gym, yoga studio, running group, etc.

7. Practice forgiveness of both yourself and others.

We’re all human and we make mistakes. Forgiveness is essential to spiritual growth.  If you’ve been hurt by someone, harboring feelings of anger or animosity just perpetuates the problem and continues to make you angry, forgive and move on.  While you’re at it, forgive yourself too.  Its ok to make mistakes, as long as you’re learning from them, cut yourself some slack.

8. Make new memories.

Start making new, positive memories to replace those negative memories from your past. Spend your time with the people you love, and doing the things that bring you happiness and peace.  

Here’s to living in the NOW!!


Good Deeds in December

Make a list, check it twice—there’s still time to be nice!

From an early age, I learned about the importance of helping others. My parents led by example and taught me how to appreciate, to share, and to love.  They have instilled in me the need and desire to help others, to give back, and to support those who are less fortunate than me. As a result, I am always looking for ways to help make this world a better place.

One thing I love about owning Empower Yoga is being able to have a platform for helping make a change in the world and reach people on a larger scale. I think giving back is incredibly important. Volunteering in all shapes and forms strengthens our communities, brings people together and provides us with valuable experience and insight.

While we should always help and support those in need all the time, the holidays are a nice reminder to stop, be present, appreciate what we have and also look for ways to help others.

Sometimes, the best gifts that you can give are free. Making a difference, feels good and it fuels us here at Empower Yoga!

With December 25 quickly upon us, consider these 10 good deeds to support those who need it most!

  1. Take a yoga class! Our studio and many other studios offer weekly donation based classes. Help support a great cause and also de-stress from the holidays. Interested visiting the studio? Each month we offer donation based classes! To learn more, visit our website!
  2. Shop at a locally owned businesses! Online retailers and big box stores get a lot of love over the holidays. This year, give back to your community by keeping your dollars local. Want to give the gift of health and wellness to that special person in your life? Consider purchasing a gift card to our studio.
  3. Donate Shoes for Soles 4 Souls. Cleaning out your closet? Consider donating a pair or two gently used shoes. Soles4Souls creates sustainable jobs and provides relief through the distribution of shoes and clothing around the world. Empower Yoga is hosting a shoe drive this January! Pledge to go barefoot and help those in need during the new year!!
  4. Create holiday cards for nursing home residents. The holidays can be a depressing time of year for nursing home residents. Consider making some homemade holiday cards and distributing them in person at a senior living center in your community.
  5. Write letters of gratitude to our military! Show your appreciation to our troops, first responders, and veterans. Organizations such as Operation Gratitude & Adopt a US Soldier offer a channel by which to communicate encouragement and express gratitude to those brave men and women serving or who have served in our armed forces.
  6. Make a donation to the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army accepts clothing, furniture, appliances, and electronics all that will go to help a family in need.
  7. Donate to Toys for Tots. The objectives of Toys for Tots is to help less fortunate children throughout the US experience the joy of Christmas. Toys for Tots unites all members of local communities in a common cause during their annual toy collection and distribution campaign.
  8. Donate Food to your local food pantry. Hunger can affect people from all walks of life. Many Americans are one job loss or medical crisis away from food insecurity, but some people, including children and seniors, may be at greater risk of hunger than others. Help feed those in need this holiday. Isn’t everyone entitled to a nice warm meal?
  9. Volunteer at or donate items to your local animal shelter. There are so many animals being cared for in shelters and foster homes after they were neglected, abused, forfeited, or lost.  Whether it’s with some love or attention, to food and toys, there are tons of ways to help!
  10. Donate items or volunteer at a local homeless shelter.  In Central NJ, HomeFront is always looking for household goods, food, and clothing.

Wishing everyone a happy & healthy holiday season and a wonderful new year!


Yoga Poses to Reduce Stress

Holidays got you stressed?

Stress and fatigue are often unwelcome guests during the holiday season. Stress creeps up while planning, preparing, and cooking a holiday meal, decorating your house, setting up for the holiday party, sitting in traffic, shopping, looking for a parking space, etc. Stress dampens your mood, makes us irritable, and can even cause physical pain. All of which will hinder our spirits and take away from the joy of the holidays.  

There are ways to help these feelings of stress. In fact, yoga is a great tool to help stretch the body and calm the mind.  Enjoying a yoga class can help you relax, recharge, and restore your mind and body through the entire holiday season.

If you can’t get to a class, that’s ok. Check out some of the poses below. These postures will help you get back on track, feeling calmer and restored.  

These poses should take no longer than 10 minutes and should be done in a quiet space. Hold each pose for at least 5-8 deep breaths. Focus on your breathing and give your mind some much needed rest.

Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

The foundation of all standing poses, Mountain Pose is a great resting pose. Stand with your feet parallel to one another, about hip-distance apart. Distribute your weight evenly on your feet. Keep a very small bend in the knees, engage your thighs to avoid locking your knees. Place your hands together at your heart center or by your side. Close your eyes and breathe. Allow this pose to help induce a meditative state- find some balance and calm your mind. Set an intention or take a moment of gratitude for yourself.

Uttanasana (Forward Fold)

Uttanasana will help awaken your hamstrings, calm your mind, andrelieve stress & anxiety. Stand in Tadasana with your hands on your hips. Begin to bend forward from the hip joints, not from the waist. As you descend, lengthen your torso, fold over your legs, and release the crown of the head towards the floor. Hands can stay on the floor, interlaced behind your back, or grab for opposite elbows. We often carry stress and tension in our neck and shoulder area; so allow your entire upper body to release and relax. Focus on letting go all of the tension in head and your neck. Perhaps gently shake your head “yes” and “no” to ensure that your neck is completely relaxed. Imagine all of your worries and stress rolling off of your back. Close your eyes and breathe!

Adho Mukha Svanasana  (Downward Facing Dog)

Down dog is one of yoga’s most widely recognized poses and offers the ultimate all-over, rejuvenating stretch. Down Dog encourages fresh blood to flow through your body, allowing you to feel energized and rejuvenated. This pose is considered a mild inversion because your heart is higher than your head; this encourages blood to flow to your brain which helps calm the nervous system.

To get into the pose come onto all fours; plant your hands down towards the front of your mat and walk your feet towards the back of the mat, to resemble an upside-down V shape.  Spread your fingers wide and press down with all four corners of your hands. Draw the sit bones up and back and release your heels to the mat. Close your eyes and breathe!

Balasana (Child’s Pose)

Balasana is considered one of the most restorative postures in yoga. This gentle resting pose stretches the entire backside of the body. To begin, kneel on the floor and bring your big toes to touch. Sit on your heels, then separate your knees about hips width distance apart. Lower your torso to the floor between your thighs. Allow your hips to draw back towards your heels and extend your arms out in front of you. Place your forehead on the mat or a pillow. With each breath, try to melt deeper into this pose and encourage your body to completely relax. Quiet the mind and allow your body to ground down, completely relax and release tension. Close your eyes and breathe.

Supta Baddha Konasana  (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

Supta Baddha Konasana is a classic restorative posture and one of my favorites. This pose opens the hips & groin as well as stimulates the heart, improves circulation, and allows the body to move stagnant energy. It also encourages relaxation of the abdominal muscles and soothes digestion. Find this pose by coming to lie on your back. Next, bring the soles of your feet together. Gently allow your hips to open. Rest your hands on the ground on either side of you or place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. Release any tension or tightness in your body and allow yourself to relax into the pose. Close your eyes and breathe!

Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall)

This pose is said to have the cure to whatever ails you. Legs up the wall is a restorative inversion and a great pose to help relax and explore your breath. By placing your legs up the wall, you’re allowing stagnate fluids to release, and fresh blood to flow through your body. This circulation boost allows your body to restore itself and find balance.

To start, bring yourself to sit sideways by a wall. Slowly roll onto your back and let your legs rotate up and against the wall. You may need to scoot your body closer or further away from the wall in order to find a comfortable position. Rest your arms by your side or place one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart. Once you’re comfortable, close your eyes and breathe.

Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Savasana is a pose of total relaxation and often will come at the end of a flow practice.  After flowing, Savasana is a great way to allow your body to relax and feel the effects of your practice.

Find savasana by gently lieing all the way onto the floor and allowing yourself to completely surrender. Allow your legs to extend down on the mat and your feet to relax, opening towards the corners of your mat. Arms come to your side and palms face up. Release every muscle in your arms, legs, torso, and face. Close your eyes and allow your body and mind to be completely still.



Why Hot Yoga is Great for Athletes…

Athletes play hard– running, climbing, jumping, biking, lifting, golfing, etc. When muscles work hard and become more fibrous and strong, they also become very tight. Tight muscle can lead to the loss of mobility, making it difficult to move around.  For example, if you’re a runner like me, we have strong quadriceps but our hamstrings shorten, making it difficult for us to bend over and touch our toes. Another example, weightlifters will get super toned in the shoulders and arms, but they often have difficulty raising their arms high overhead. As an athlete’s range of motion decreases, the ability to stay on top of his or her game becomes harder. This is preventable! Hot yoga loosens the muscles naturally and safely, allowing all athletes to find more freedom, flexibility and ease in tight areas.

Practicing yoga a few times a week, helps the tight muscles stay strong, but also become more pliable and flexible. The benefit- lengthen and strengthen the body so you have the ability to move safely for the rest of your life.

At our power yoga studio, we strive to provide a well-rounded workout (cardio, weight bearing, stretching and more) that makes you feel good from head to toe. If you can commit and incorporate yoga regularly (2 to 3 times a week), you’ll see results within a month.

Here are just some of the benefits of hot yoga for athletes:

Full range of motion
More flexibility
Improved balance
Mind Control
Increased core strength
Injury prevention

Why does the heat work so well?

The heat makes your muscles more elastic and pliable allowing for deeper and safer stretching. The heat also allows blood and oxygen to be delivered to the muscles helping them to build, lengthen and repair more easily. This increased blood and oxygen also speeds up the body’s ability to breakdown glucose and fatty acids that help shed fat tissue and weight. In addition, hot yoga gives the body the rest it needs from repetitive motions of one sport while still offering a solid workout. Another great benefit is the breath control you learn in yoga will help keep your mind and body calm in stressful conditions on and off your mat.

Top professional and recreational athletes are big on yoga! Famous football and baseball teams embrace yoga. So do ice skaters, swimmers, golfers, triathletes, gymnasts, dancers and many more.
Are you ready to start adding yoga into your weekly fitness regimen? I hope so!

Our classes at Empower Yoga include:
  • HOT or Warm Power Flow/Vinyasa classes
  • Power Plus
  • Yin Yoga
  • Restorative Yoga

Get started today! Join us at Empower Yoga!!  Get strong and bendy for lifelong athletic health.


Fitness Retreat

As most of you already know, I am a fitness enthusiast.  I love to work hard, challenge myself and certainly step outside my comfort zone.  So as a yoga teacher/studio owner and a CrossFit coach, I decided to combine my two passions and take them to San Pedro, Belize for my first ever Fitness Retreat!!!

When I opened my studio in April, my goals for the year  were to build community and plan a retreat. So I did it and could not be more thrilled. I have always wanted to visit Belize and thought, well there is no time like the present. This trip is going to be epic and one you won’t want to miss.

Who’s ready for a little fun, fitness, and of course some R&R?!?!

Check out all the details below. You can also find this information on my studios website:


MAY 15-20, 2018

beachfrontWe are excited to visit Belize in May 2018 for our 1st Yoga & CrossFit Retreat! You can expect this to be a very active retreat where you can get sweaty, leap out of your comfort zone, and still have time to relax! You will enjoy personalized yoga and CrossFit classes each day. Every detail will be considered so you can focus on your workouts, relaxation, and endless adventure opportunities.

This really is a trip you do not want to miss! Due to the customization of this retreat limited spaces are available for booking. Don’t wait to reserve your spot! There is no better time than now!


unnamed-3Yoga will be offered to the entire group each day to allow for recovery from the day’s activity. Each yoga class will be customized for active recovery. Classes will be taught for all levels. Instructors will provide modifications for beginning yogis and also opportunities for advanced practitioners to grow their practice. Even if you have never practiced yoga, you will find these sessions energizing and empowering!

If you have a yoga mat, please bring it!!


unnamed-1Empower Yoga has partnered with CrossFit Wolf for daily CrossFit training, and beach workouts/WODs! During the classes, the coaches at CrossFit Wolf will be their to guide and support you, offering modifications as need to allow all levels to be successful. No CrossFit experience is required. Get ready to sweat and have fun!


pool 3We are excited to offer 5 nights accommodations in the SunBreeze Hotel. The SunBreeze Hotel is situated in the laid back beach town of San Pedro, on the popular Ambergris Caye. Out the front door, the festive streets of town welcome you to join in the fun, and out our back door, you are just a few steps from the Caribbean Sea and the largest Barrier Reef in the Western Hemisphere. During your stay you will enjoy access to the beach, the use of the beautiful lounging pool, spacious sofa lounge, hammock gazebo, beach front dining, relaxing and rejuvenating spa, and free wifi in common areas.

Room accommodations are booked on a first come, first serve basis. The bedroom configurations include a premium room with a King bed, a premium room with a queen and double bed, standard room with two double beds, or a standard room with Queen bed.

*Please provide your preferred room type(s) at the time of booking, as well as preferred roommate if applicable.


In addition to daily yoga & CrossFit, we are excited to offer optional adventure tours each day. These adventures include but aren’t limited to kayaking, snorkeling, fishing, stand-up paddleboard, biking, and scuba diving.


Once you have secured your spot at the retreat, we can help answer any questions you have regarding airfare.

Please note- guests should book flights to and from Belize City, Belize. Flights should arrive on May 15th before 4pm and depart on May 20th no earlier than 10:30am. Air transportation from Belize City to San Pedro will be included for all retreat guests. Upon arrival to Belize City guests will go through customs, claim baggage and proceed to connecting flights. Guests will then fly from Belize City to San Pedro. Upon arrival to San Pedro it is a very short, less than 5 min. walk to the Sunbreeze Hotel.

Price Includes:

Lodging, transportation from Belize City to San Pedro, daily yoga, daily CrossFit, welcome dinner, closing dinner, daily breakfast, daily maid service, transportation to and from CrossFit Wolf.

Price Does Not Include:

Airfare, alcoholic or specialty beverages, off site meals, additional activities/tours, and spa treatments.

Plan Ahead Pricing – October 13,  2017 – December 31, 2017

*Retreat rates are per person.

Standard Room Double- $2000/person

Standard Room Single- $2350/person

Premier Room Double- $2150/person

Premier Room Single- $2575/person

Have 3 people? Get a Premium Double room for $1900/person or a Standard Double room for $1800/person.

Standard Retreat Pricing – January 1, 2018

*Retreat rates are per person.

Standard Room Double- $2100/person

Standard Room Single- $2450/person

Premier Room Double- $2250/person

Premier Room Single- $2675/person

Have 3 people? Get a Premium Double room for $2000/person or a Standard Double room for $1900/person.

*Please provide your preferred bed type and roommate (if applicable) at the time of booking. Each room will be booked on a first come first serve basis.

Terms and Conditions:

To sign up for this retreat, a non-refundable and non-transferable US $500 deposit is required. Your deposit is applied toward your retreat rate. Full payment is due no later than March 1, 2018.

Plan Ahead Prices apply when your deposit is received between October 13, 2017 – December 31, 2017. Standard Retreat Prices apply when your deposit is received after January 1, 2018.

Should you need to cancel your reservation prior to March 1, 2018, you will receive a refund for payment made, minus the $500 deposit. Should you need to cancel after March 1, 2018, for whatever reason, we will not be able to provide you a refund or credit. Sign ups with full payment are welcome after March 1, 2018 as space allows.

You can purchase trip insurance for yourself through Allianz.


Please contact Keri at the studio or email her at

I hope you’ll join us!!


Life Lessons I’ve Learned From Practicing Yoga

I have been practicing yoga for over 10 years. One thing I know for sure, it’s one of the most consistent and transformative things I’ve ever done. Over the last 10 years, yoga has been a constant presence in my life. I love yoga and continue to enjoy my practice and my ability to explore my body, mind, and soul. I believe that yoga is a gift for everyone to enjoy.

Through the years, I’ve learned that the physical health benefits of yoga are numerous, but yoga also has the ability to boost your emotional health as well. I’d like to share some of the things I’ve learned from yoga in this week’s blog.

I hope this article inspires you to give yoga a try and if you already have, I am sure you may agree with the things I have listed below!

Here are some of the life lessons that yoga has taught me.

Follow your heart:

Once opened, the possibilities for love and joy are endless! Once in a job I hated and living life in a perpetual pattern of negative thought, I discovered yoga and it helped open my mind to endless possibilities. Yoga gave me the strength and wisdom to get rid of my doubts, fears and worries.  Instead, I am able to listen to my inner self and follow my heart. Without yoga I wouldn’t be where I am today- an entrepreneur, who opened her own yoga studio in an effort to give back to a community that gave her so much. I want to help others find their true path and empower them through their own yoga journey of healing and self discovery.

You are capable of more than you give yourself credit for:

I believe that whatever my goals are, I can accomplish them with determination, hard work, and persistence. For example, just a few years ago, I never thought I could do a handstand. But I can do them now (at least for few seconds lol) because I just kept practicing, gaining strength, and learning the technique little by little. Sometimes we put limits on ourselves, but we can do more than what we give ourselves credit for. I know things can seem scary sometimes, but it’s in those moments, we know that we are alive. Plus, once we’ve achieved our goals, we are rewarded with a feeling of self accomplishment and satisfaction.  

Live in the present:

This can still be a challenge for me, but I work hard at it each day. When we step back and take a moment to consider how much of our day we spend worrying about what is going to happen next, or what has happened, it can become very detrimental to your mental, emotional and physical health. When we constantly worry about things we can’t control or change, we begin to feel anxious, stressed and even depressed. To avoid this, take each day, hour and even minute at a time to experience the present moment fully and let go of any other stressers you do not need. Yoga is a great way to help get you there. In yoga, we observe our thoughts, get down past the surface of everything and go deep into our core of existence. Here is where we find the answers to what we need to let go of and start living.

Just breathe:

This may sound simple, but trust me, it’s one of the best lessons I’ve learned.  When faced with a difficult situation or when experiencing unsettling emotions, the first thing that comes to my mind is “just breathe”. Slowly, in through the nose and out through the nose (eyes open or closed), I just breathe. Sure enough, I feel calmer, stronger and more able to deal with whatever is going on around me and within me.

Don’t create unnecessary tension:

Sometimes in yoga when we get into a pose that challenges us, we clench our teeth and/or tense our shoulders or face. In those moments, it’s important to remember to relax and just breathe. Similarly in life, as things get hard, try not to overreact, panic, become defensive, or place blame, just relax and breathe. Unnecessary tension causes stress and stress is bad for our overall health.

Don’t take anything for granted:

Nothing in life is guaranteed. What is here today may be gone tomorrow, so appreciate and value what you have while you have it. You never know what may happen next. Remember, it’s about the journey, not the destination. With yoga, and with life, the beauty of the practice is not about the “results,” but about the journey. Enjoy every moment and don’t take anything for granted.

It’s ok to fall:

You know that pose that looks and seems totally impossible? You’ll never gain the strength and flexibility you need to do it if you don’t try. Same applies in life; stop worrying about if you fall down and just give it a try and keep trying until one day it sticks!

Be patient:

You can’t force your body to open into a pose before it’s ready, otherwise you could get hurt.  To get into more challenging poses, you need to warm up and work up to them; some poses take a lifetime. Life is the same way, forcing things to happen when they aren’t ready, almost never gets us closer to our goals.

Alignment is key:

In yoga poses, it’s important to align your body properly to avoid risk of injuries. Same with life. If you do things that don’t align with your core values, you put yourself at risk and prevent yourself from achieving your goals.

Only you know your body:

In a yoga class, your teacher is there to guide you and offer suggestions. No matter how many teacher trainings they’ve completed, he/she doesn’t live in your body and he/she doesn’t feel what you feel. For this reason, you are the only one who can really make sound decisions for yourself. Trust your judgment, do what feels right, and you can never go wrong.

We never stop learning:

As soon as you think you’ve mastered a pose, making a slight adjustment can change everything. Every pose has multiple variations that can make it more supportive or challenging. This is the nature of yoga poses, and also the nature of life. There’s always another lesson to learn, new places to explore, and new challenges to meet.

Never give up:

Whether it’s mastering a new yoga pose or attaining your life’s goal or dreams, never give up. Yoga has helped teach me to find the resilience, courage and inner strength to believe in myself and to never give up. So for those of you currently facing challenging times and searching for strength, know that’s it’s already within you, all you need is the courage to pull it out; never give up.

Every time you get on your mat you bring with you different challenges; with different mental, physical and emotional challenges, the experience differs accordingly. Sometimes you feel physically strong, while other times your balance may be off and that’s ok.  Take a few moments to observe and accept what is going on and then learn from it. Enjoy the journey of life, continue to grow and challenge yourself, and never give up!


Fall Equinox

Even though we know the seasons change, autumn still has a way of surprising us. It seems like one day it’s hot and humid, summers in full swing, and the next there’s a shift- the airs cooler and it feels crisp.

Then before you know it, it’s pumpkin-spice-everything, everywhere and we are wearing boots, long sleeves and sweaters.

The fall equinox is what is responsible for this shift and the seasons changing from summer to fall.

This year, the fall equinox arrives on Friday, September 22. The fall equinox happens the moment the sun crosses the celestial equator, which is an imaginary line in the sky that corresponds to Earth’s equator. Every year this occurs on September 22, 23, or 24 in the northern hemisphere.

From here, the days start to get shorter until the winter solstice in December, then they’ll begin their slow climb back to the long summer days.

The word “Equinox” comes from the Latin words “equi” meaning “equal” and “nox” meaning “night.” So during the fall equinox, there are equal amounts of daylight and darkness. The equinox is a point of union and balance between the light and the dark, between fire and water, & between the yin & yang.  

This time is a great reminder for us to turn inward and check in with ourselves, slow down, and become more grounded.

Often as the end of the year approaches, we want to work harder to get things done. Instead, take the opportunity to reduce your work and only complete what’s necessary. As you check in with yourself, ask yourself: what do I need/want? Get more rest, eat earlier, develop a fall routine, get into a rhythm and stick with it. To feel more grounded, listen to slow rhythmic music with heavy drum beats and deep melodic chanting, these vibrations will resonate in the lower chakras, drawing energy closer to the earth. To also honor yourself during this time, meditate, take a yoga class, stay warm, and love and honor yourself and your body.

In honor of the fall equinox we will be holding a special grounding yoga class with Sam Benson on Saturday, 9/23 from 9:00-10:15am.  To register, please visit:



Exploring Mantras

In this week’s blog, I’ll be exploring mantras and the benefit of mantras both on and off the mat.

With spiritual practices like yoga and meditation becoming more popular, it seems like everyone is talking about mantras. But what’s a mantra??


A mantra is a word, sound, or phrase repeated to aid in your concentration. They are a living force that are believed to have high spiritual and creative power.

Mantras can also be used as an affirmation and to help keep you connected to a particular state of mind. When using a mantra, it’s believed that only the positive intentions and actions will fill your mind and negativity will be eliminated.


Mantras can be a great way to help keep you focused and connected to a particular state of mind. You can choose a mantra based on how you’re feeling or what you are needing in life. Whether you’re looking for positivity, health, happiness, self love, or if you simply want to find balance, finding a mantra and sticking with it can help you cultivate that in your life.


In a vinyasa flow yoga class, mantras can be used as a silent repetition to help keep the mind focused and present.

Off the mat, when you have difficulty focusing, your mind keeps wandering, or you’re in a stressful or uncomfortable position, a mantra can help you feel grounded and at ease.

Studies have shown that mantras can reduce stress levels and change your brain’s chemistry.  They interrupt your negative thoughts and experiences and give you something more positive to focus on instead.

Mantras help you maintain a connection to the state you wish to cultivate. Choosing a mantra in the morning can help set the tone for the rest of your day.

At the beginning of most yoga classes, the teacher will share a theme or invite you to create an intention or pick a mantra to use and help support you throughout your practice.


Endurance/Strength- “This too shall pass.”

Love- “I am love.”

Manifesting Love- “I am attracting all the love I dream and desire.”

Calmer mind- “Smile, breathe, and go slowly.”

Being present- “Be here, now.”

Allowing the universe to guide you- “I am open to receiving universal gifts.”

Creating happiness- “Today I choose joy.”

Release- “Close your eyes, clear your heart, let it go.”

Empowerment- “I am capable of wonderful things.”

Building Self-Confidence- “Today you are perfect.”

Strength and Willpower- “Forward progress, just keep moving.”

Enduring Tough Times- “you are the sky, everything else is the weather.”

Neutralizing Body Image- “I am strong. I am beautiful. I am enough.”

Radiating Gratitude- “I am grateful for all the things unfolding in my life & all that is yet to come.”

Starting the Day- “I am fullfilled, I am fearless.”

Ending the Day- “Less is more.”

MY FAVORITE: “It’s a great day to be alive.”


Making Friends in Yoga

Over the years, I have discovered that yogis make some of the best friends. From my studio in Boston, to my own studio now, and the ones I’ve worked in and visited along the way; I have met so many incredible people & have built many lasting friendships. Yoga is a truly great place to meet and connect with people.

Yogis of all ages and backgrounds are often united in their love of yoga and a common desire to be friendly both on and off the mat. I’ve been able to deepen friendships through the transformative experience that was my teacher training, numerous classes I’ve taught and attended, workshops, as well as community gatherings and potlucks.

With yoga as the glue, I have found that that the things we have in common are far greater than those things that set us apart. So yoga studios are a great place for meeting people and building friendships.

Yoga for the individual:

Yoga is about self discovery. It’s a wonderful way to become more in tune with your mind and body so you can find your true self.  Yoga helps eliminate suffering, stress, and negativity in our lives. During a yoga class, you’re challenged to bring your attention inward and connect with yourself on a deeper level.

With an open mind and willingness that’s cultivated in class, we can work on ourselves and begin to strip away the negativity. When we let our guard down like this, we not only begin to explore a deeper connection to ourselves, but also a deeper connection to others.

Yoga for the group:

While yoga is very individual, it is also very collaborative. Yoga helps create union with one another and a sense of togetherness. Through collective breath and movement in class, yoga helps create bonds with the people around you like none other.

Once class is over, there’s this overall feeling of oneness, connection, and collaborative energy.  There’s this beautiful window of opportunity to make introductions, mingle, and foster a deeper connection and potential friendships to those around you.

Next time you’re in class:

Spark up a conversation with your yogi neighbors in class, introduce yourself to the teacher, talk to people after class, whatever it may be, break out of your shell, be brave, allow yourself to be vulnerable and open. We are all connected and if nothing else, one thing we know we have in common, is our love for yoga and our dedication to our practice. There is always space in our lives for new positive people. Take a chance, say hi.




Do you find it hard to workout when you travel? If you’re like me, you don’t do well with changes to your routine or schedule and when you don’t have the equipment you normally use to workout with.

So when I go away, I first try to be very proactive and planful, thinking about what my routine will look like while I am gone. I first try to figure out what I can bring with me and also what facilities will be available- i.e is there a gym where I’ll be staying, can I safely run outside, is there a Crossfit nearby that I can drop into, can I take a yoga class, etc…

If I think some of these aren’t available, fitting in my normal workouts may be a challenge, so I do my best to go into the trip with an open mind. I’ll do what I can & I try to look at it as a way to breathe some new life into my routine and do something different. Sometimes, being limited in the time you have and the equipment available can be a good thing because it forces you to be more creative with your workouts or spend more time on some much needed rest and relaxation.


THINK: What can I take with me?

Packing your dumbbells obviously isn’t the best idea, but if you don’t have a clue whether your hotel has a decent exercise room, there are some alternatives:

Resistance Bands:

Resistance bands can be a great traveling companion. You can use bands to target every muscle in the body and since you have tension throughout the entire movement, you’ll really feel the burn. They are also easy to stuff into your suitcase without taking up much space. Great for when you’re at home, at work, or away in your hotel room. You can find them a variety of bands and tubes on Amazon, other retailers, and even local sporting goods store. Most bands come with a list of exercises you can do with them.

For other ideas, you can visit:


Jump rope:

Jumping rope is a great exercise for your heart and body, and will really help you burn calories. Take the opportunity to practice your jump roping skills and maybe even double unders!

A yoga mat:

I have found some interesting and often beautiful spaces to practice in while on vacation. I have unrolled my mat at the airport and found a comfortable seat or lying position and meditated, or some light stretches in between flights to help with stiffness and circulation.  If you’re in a hotel, can you rearrange the furniture to create a little yoga nook? You can download music to your phone to help create the right ambiance for you. Find yourself in tight quarters? Take your mat outside onto the porch, grass or the beach. Complete some sun salutations, warrior I & II sequences, allowing your body to move, flow, and stretch.

What can you do without equipment?


Swimming is a great cardio exercise and it targets every muscle of your body. If you’re at a hotel with a pool, swim laps or try pool running.

If you’re at the beach, the ocean offers even more opportunities for exercising while having fun – surfing, paddle boarding, boogie boarding, riding the waves- all are great for burning calories and staying active.

Walking and/or Running:

Walking and running are great ways to explore a new location. You don’t need much more than a good pair of shoes to get a great cardio workout in for the day. Plus, if you’re at the beach, you’ll get even more out of your walks/runs by using the sand to your advantage. Walking or running in soft sand is much harder than walking on pavement. Note- if you’re going for a longer duration run/walk, wear shoes rather than being barefoot because it could cause shin or calf pain. Get up early and watch the sunrise over the horizon. I can’t think of a better way to start my day!

Want to run on pavement but aren’t comfortable in a new location? Try finding a few local running clubs you can link up with to run or who can suggest safe routes for you. I have found some local groups on FB and messaged them prior to traveling.  

Ways to workout out as your travel:


Getting stuck in an airport with long layovers or plane delays is no fun, but you can take advantage by getting in a little exercise.

Your best bet is to walk the airport, avoid the escalators & take the stairs, and keep your arms going and your posture straight. If you have a ton of carry-on luggage, find a locker and stash it there or take it with you to add some weight to your walk. Or as I said before, unroll your yoga mat. Some airports even have quiet meditations rooms you can practice in or gyms you can take advantage of. Most charge anywhere from $10 to $20 for the day.

On the Plane:

Is there anything more uncomfortable than the seats on an airplane? You can combat a stiff neck and back by getting up every 30-60 minutes or so and walking the length of the plane. While you’re up, get the kinks out by lacing your fingers together and stretching from side to side or stretching them up over head (micro backbend) and then in front of you while gently rounding your spine (like a standing cat/cow pose). While seated, stretch your neck, arms and legs too. Anything you can do to keep the circulation going will help reduce some of the aches, pains, and bloating.


Many hotels have exercise rooms but, if they don’t, they might have an affiliation with a local gym for a small fee. Ask the hotel manager about local health clubs and about any parks or trails close by.

I like to google and find local gyms before I go. I’ll reach out about a drop in classes or ask about special rates, especially if I’ll be going for or a week. My favorite thing to do when I travel is find a cool new Crossfit affiliate or “Box” to go to!

Don’t want to go or pay for a gym? Google travel WOD (Workout Of the Day). You will find several full body, no equipment needed workouts you can do anywhere, any time.

For me to be most successful and able to workout when I travel, I think it helps to do a little research before you go, so you’re  prepared when you get there.

Other ways to stay healthy:


Traveling can throw a wrench into your healthy eating. From the questionable airplane food to the quick food at the airport (pizza, burgers, fries, ice cream etc.) it’s easy to get off course. Then you have the temptation of new and exciting restaurants to try while you’re at your destination. Try to bring easy, packable snacks for the plane (fruit, granola bars, trail mix, etc.) and, when eating out, try to make at least one healthy choice each day.

Whatever your destination, a little advance planning can ensure that you stay on track with your exercise program. Be active, get out and explore, eat healthy, and most importantly have fun.

