Yoga for Teens


I believe that all teens can benefit from yoga.  When I look at teenagers today, I often see individuals who appear unbalanced, have difficulty focusing, are often in a rush,  and some who are depressed, anxious, or nervous and I feel for them. The pressure on youth today is tremendous (i.e. getting good grades, getting into a good school, staying current, fitting in) and as kids begin to hit adolescence, puberty, transition to high school or college, and begin to explore relationships with one another; they need an outlet that can help them stay focused, allow them to gain confidence, and feel good about themselves. I believe yoga can provide just that.

freedonI believe that yoga can be a reliable resource to help teens find themselves as they begin to shape their developing philosophies and goals. Yoga can help them get centered and stay grounded as they look to make important decisions about their futures; beginning to become more thoughtful and gaining insight that will allow them to further navigate life’s ups and downs.


Teen years aren’t just something to just “get through.” Supporting our kids through the crossroads of adolescence is key to helping them stay grounded. This is an exciting, pivotal time of adventure and discovery and yoga is a great outlet to help support just that!

This year I began to work with a group of young teenage girls and I have been loving it! When I first introduced yoga to them, they were hesitant and unsure of what it was all about; but soon were eager to learn and explore, wanting more! They were surprised about how different it was than what they expected, how it challenged them in a good way, how their bodies felt after, and gave them a more positive outlet.

Yoga is great for teens both mentally and physically.  Its non competitive which helps build their self confidence.  Plus the asana gets their bodies moving, and pranayama lifts them up so that they can maintain a healthy outlook and increase there self awareness. Yoga is great for anyBODY!!

Looking for a yoga class for teens? Feel free to reach out, I’d be happy to help!

“Hello! My name is Yoga and I will change your life!”
