Tag Archives: joy

Cultivating Gratitude

What are you grateful for? Have you thought about it? Do you show gratitude in your daily life?

At times, I often feel that we take so much for granted and forget about all the good that is present in our lives. Instead, we think about all the things our lives are lacking. However, when we stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing and we have so much to be grateful for.

In an effort to remind myself and others of all the things we should be grateful for, I’ve decided to dedicate this week’s blog to the idea of gratitude! Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading Cultivating Gratitude


Life Lessons From My Dogs

A & S 2My husband and I have two dogs (Sebastian and Annabelle) that we cherish and love. They are are more like children to us then pets. They have made our lives so special in so many ways. They’ve shown us endless amounts love and devotion and we could not be more grateful to have them as a part of our family.  In fact, because we love our dogs so much we decided to adopt one more… a little pug we named Liberty. LIBERTYWe could not be more excited.  As our family continues to grow, my heart continues to expand as I open myself up to more love than I’ve ever imagined.  I owe a lot to these special dogs.

Having dogs has taught me so much about life and love, so I’ve decided to dedicate this week’s blog to my babies.  Here are some of the things I’ve learned from my dogs! Enjoy! Continue reading Life Lessons From My Dogs


30 Perfect Things!

I have been thinking about how often people take things for granted.  How we sometimes focus on the negative in our lives and we forget about all the good things.  Somehow we’ve learned to believe that we need material items to be happy.  So we go to work, hoping to make lots of money so we can buy things we want.  We believe that these items will help us feel more fulfilled or make us feel that we matter; proving our worth to the world.

Since I quit my job and taken a pay cut, my husband put me on a budget.  At first I thought, “what am I going to do?” Then I realized that I don’t need much.  I have so much already and more than what money can buy.  I started to think about all of the wonderful things in my life and having done so, I feel more content, more happy, and more sure that I am exactly where I need to be in life.  

We don’t need to buy things to make our lives beautiful or joyous. We don’t need more glamorous items in our lives to find happiness and contentment. We can find these wonderful qualities in what’s already in front of us.

At times, I forget this. But in my best moments, I remember and my heart expands with more love for life and everyone around me.

In my mind, these things are perfect and are proof that we don’t need to buy anything to be happy, cool, excited, or content:

  1. Family
  2. A quiet morning walk with the dogs before sunrise
  3. A run outdoors with good friends
  4. A great cup of coffee
  5. Reading a book curled up on the couch
  6. A hug
  7. A yoga practice
  8. A delicious fruit smoothie
  9. Holding the door for someone
  10. A good workout
  11. Hot soup and good bread
  12. A song that gets you singing and/or dancing
  13. Fresh fallen snow
  14. The sound of the ocean
  15. Meeting a new friend
  16. A sunset
  17. Leaves changing colors
  18. A fire in the fireplace
  19. Cuddling with your significant other
  20. Sunday mornings in bed
  21. Pancakes
  22. Spending time with friends
  23. A bite of mango
  24. Reflecting on life, blogging
  25. People laughing around you
  26. Imagining future possibilities
  27. Helping someone else
  28. Writing a note, email, or text to someone you care about  
  29. Knowing that you love yourself
  30. You

“Happiness isn’t about getting what you want all the time. It’s about loving what you have and being grateful for it.”



happy heartImagine if everyone could be happy all the time and we could spread happiness around like confetti. Imagine what kind of world we would live in. Wouldn’t the world be a better and brighter place?

I do believe that happiness can be attainable. While it may be unlikely to be happy 100% of the time, I think it is possible to find it in even in the worst situations. Choosing to be happy and to stay positive can make even the most challenging situations, easier to bear.   Why spend energy being angry or sad when you can spend it thinking about the good things in your life. Continue reading COME ON GET HAPPY…..


5 Ways to Boost Your Self Confidence

beyouSelf-confident people can often be admired by others as well as inspire confidence in them. People who have self confidence are more apt to be risk takers and the sort of people who like to face challenges head-on. They know that no matter what obstacles come their way, they have the ability to get passed them. Self-confident people will often see their lives in a positive light even when things aren’t going so well.

Wouldn’t it be great to have this kind of self-confidence, every day ? Guess what? You can!!

“Low self-confidence isn’t a life sentence. Self-confidence can be learned, practiced, and mastered–just like any other skill. Once you master it, everything in your life will change for the better.” –Barrie Davenport

Continue reading 5 Ways to Boost Your Self Confidence


The Power of Positive Thinking

positive 2When we think about thinking positively we at times assume that it implies seeing the world through rose-colored glasses and ignoring the negative parts of life; but it’s more than that.  While it is good to focus on and appreciate the good things in our lives; positive thinking is also about approaching life’s challenges with a positive outlook. It’s about turning challenges into something positive, i.e. making the most out of a potentially bad situation, trying to see the best in other people, and viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive way.

Continue reading The Power of Positive Thinking
