A few years ago, I use to be fixated on what the number on the scale said and at times, I let it rule my life. I was obsessive about wanting to lose weight and would weigh myself constantly; when I got up, after I went to the bathroom, after a run, before bed, etc… I created this notion in my head that I had to be a certain number in order to feel good, pretty, fit, or overall happy. The scale became an unhealthy obsession for me, so a few years ago, I ditched it. I started to realize that I was more than just a number and that I didn’t want the number on the scale to control who I was or how I felt about myself. So I started to workout for me because I wanted to live a healthy life and be my best and strongest self. When I want to see improvements in my body, I don’t need the scale to tell me, I can see it by how my clothes fit, how much faster I can run, or how much more I can lift. Those things let me know that I am making progress. Continue reading You’re More Than a Number