Tag Archives: be happy

Do Hard Things

You have to do hard things to be happy in life. And doing the hard things is a skill to be honed.  At the basic level, it’s the ability to overcome distractions and get the right things done, even if you don’t want to in that moment.  Doing hard things is a sacrifice and one that may not offer immediate satisfaction. However, you need to trust that those hard things are going to help get you where you want to be.  And in order to excel, live your dreams and be your best, you need to do the things no one else is willing to do. The things others can’t do for you. The things that make you question how much longer you can hold on and push forward. That’s when you know you’re on the right path. If your dreams don’t frighten, they arent big enough.  

When I wanted to open a yoga studio, everyone thought I was crazy. They asked, how are you going to pull that off? Do you have enough money? Why leave a good and stable job in education, a pension? But I didn’t care what other people said, I new what was right for me and trusted that the Universe had my back.  

Was opening a business easy? Absolutely not. Was it scary at times? Definitely. It’s hard to quit a job and move forward into the unknown. I spent 2 years in limbo wondering what the hell had I done. However, I was able to figure it out, because if there is a will there’s a way. Things weren’t and still aren’t perfect, I have challenges like anyone else, but I embrace each challenge in stride and continue on my path, unwilling to give up or back down. The hard things are what lead you to where you are meant to be, you just have to be willing to take the risk, have patience, and faith that it will all work out.

Those hard things in life are what define us.  Taking the risk and doing hard things is the difference between existing and living… between knowing our path and walking our path. It’s the difference between an average life and the living the life of our dreams, filled with success and happiness.

Most people avoid the hard things, they procrastinate, make excuses or pretend like they somehow don’t apply to their life or situation. However, the truth is that ordinary people can achieve immense success and happiness if they are willing to step out of their comfort zones and do the hard things that others don’t have the courage, drive or determination to do.

I dare you to stop sitting back and watching your life happen and take control.  Start doing those hard things TODAY. I guarantee, you will be amazed at how strong and remarkable you really are and just how amazing your life can be.


You’re More Than a Number

scaleA few years ago, I use to be fixated on what the number on the scale said and at times, I let it rule my life. I was obsessive about wanting to lose weight and  would weigh myself constantly; when I got up, after I went to the bathroom, after a run, before bed, etc… I created this notion in my head that I had to be a certain number in order to feel good, pretty, fit, or overall happy. The scale became an unhealthy obsession for me, so a few years ago, I ditched it. I started to realize that I was more than just a number and that I didn’t want the number on the scale to control who I was or how I felt about myself. So I started to workout for me because I wanted to live a healthy life and be my best and strongest self.  When I want to see improvements in my body, I don’t need the scale to tell me, I can see it by how my clothes fit, how much faster I can run, or how much more I can lift. Those things let me know that I am making progress.   Continue reading You’re More Than a Number
