As we move forward into the year 2016, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the year that was, highlighting some of my proudest and fondest moments as well as thank the people who were a part of it all.
I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful support network in my life. I appreciate my family and friends who continue to stick by me and who’ve supported my unique approach to life and my never ending need and desire to move and do. I understand and appreciate the importance of these authentic relationships and am grateful for EVERY single one of them. THANK YOU all for being a part of my journey on this crazy road called LIFE!!
In 2015, I have a lot of things that I am incredibly proud of and grateful for. Below is a list of a few (in no particular order) things I wanted to highlight and share:
Running the Boston Marathon and raising $15,000 for the Special Olympics
Running and physical fitness is such a huge part of my life so being able to compete in a World Major Marathon, run in a place I called home for many years, and help such an amazing cause was a once in a lifetime experience and dream of mine. Helping the Special Olympics was so awesome, because it allowed me to share the same love and joy I get from being able to compete with others. I love fundraising and hope that my efforts helped & supported inclusion, acceptance, and opportunity; allowing people with intellectual disabilities the support they need to get off the sidelines and into the game, both in sports and life.
I am especially grateful for all the people who contributed to such a worthy cause and helped me surpass my fundraising goal.
Becoming a lululemon ambassador
What a gift! It’s been an honor and a privilege to be an ambassador. The friendships I have gained are priceless. I love the my lululemon peeps and thank them for believing in me, encouraging me, supporting me, and helping with the resources & opportunities I needed so that I can continue to help and inspire others.
Traveling to the Mediterranean and visiting- Italy, Turkey, and Greece
It was a trip of a lifetime. Thanks to my mom, Dan and I were able to explore and visit places we never thought we would ever get to travel to. It was amazing to see Rome and Naples-Italy, Istanbul and Kusadasi-Turkey, as well as Santorini, Mykonos, and Athens- Greece.
Mom- I am not sure what I’d do without you! Thanks again for this amazing trip and for all of your continued love and support!! xoxox
Celebrating my 6th Wedding Anniversary
My husband has been such a huge support in my life and I feel lucky that he chose to spend the rest of his life with me! His hard work, unwavering dedication, and encouragement are what enable me to keep doing what I love to do! I love you Babycakes!
Changing career paths to explore some of my many other passions, dreams, and desires.
When you leave stress behind and let go of tension or things that don’t serve you, it’s amazing what can happen and the opportunities that can come your way. You’ve got one life, start living it your way. Can’t wait to see what 2016 brings.
Completing my Level One CrossFit Certification
I love coaching and being a part of the CrossFit Nassau community. I love helping others hit PRs, make gains, and work towards being their best and healthiest self. Plus getting my certification gave me an appreciation for the wide world of CrossFit and the things that you’ll need in order to become a good coach, including knowledge of exercise physiology, energy systems, programming, technical aspects of lifts, nutrition, ect.
PLUS… CrossFit Nassua has introduced me to so many amazing women. Because of CFN, I have met and created lifelong friends and unbreakable bonds! Love my swole sisters!
Starting this Blog
Writing is something that I never thought I was good at. It makes me feel uncomfortable at times. But I decided to start this blog and force myself to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. As a result, I’ve learned to love writing. This blog has become my version of a diary. What a great way to document life and share memories and experiences with others.
Running the NYC Marathon
Getting to run in another one of the World’s Major Marathons was incredible and on top of that, getting to do it with two of my best buddies, Anne and Jane, was priceless. Being a part of NYC’s biggest block party was so fun! I think my favorite part was standing at the starting line on the Verrazano Bridge and overlooking the magnificent city! Thank you Anne and Jane and the rest of my RAP family for the thousands of miles we have shared this year, for helping to push and support me, and for always being there by my side! Looking forward to thousands of more miles to come!
I’d also like to give a special shoutout to Ann Massey who I met during the marathon and who will be my friend for life! Ann ran up to me at the beginning of the race and asked what my time goal was. She said that it looked like I was running at her pace. So we chatted for a bit (loved that she was from Boston) and then proceeded to quietly run next to each other for the duration of the race. Every water station and after every bridge we smiled & gave a thumbs up just to be sure the other was there. I had no intention to run with anyone but quickly realized that I was lucky to have Ann there. Ann helped push me throughout the day without needing to say a word. I knew that I needed to stay with her. I’m so grateful that Ann ran into my life. Ann, I hope we can run together again in 2016!!
Running an Ultramarathon (50K) AKA RAP Running Festival
What a great mental challenge and opportunity for personal growth. Running the Ultra helped me learn new levels of patience, perseverance, and focus. Plus it allowed me to support Anne and help
raise money and awareness for Girls on the Run, New Jersey East. I’ll do just about anything for a good cause! Thank you to all who came out to participate, cheer on, and support this great event!! Can’t wait fornext year!!
Running thePhiladelphia Marathon and breaking 4 hours
After coming so close to breaking 4 hours and coming in at 4:01 in NYC, I was a little bummed. I had been training so hard! Even though I was happy with the 17 minutes I shaved off from Boston, I knew I had more in me and wanted to try again. I didn’t want to wait for a spring marathon so I jumped right into Philly! A coworker’s daughter became injured training and was unable to run so she offered to give me her bib, giving me the chance I needed to run. I am sorry that Amy Wolfe was not able to compete, especially since she had worked so hard, but I was certainly grateful for the opportunity to run. Thank you Amy! I hope you can run Philly next year. I’d love to run in a race together too!!
It’s been a pretty incredible year, one that I will cherish and look back on fondly. The year 2015 will be hard to match, but I accept the challenge. Here’s to another year full of experiences, joy, happiness, and many wonderful surprises!