There’s a new trend floating around Facebook being referred to as- Then and Now, The 10 Year Challenge, Aging Challenge, or Puberty Challenge. The premise is simple- users upload their first Facebook profile picture and their most recent one side-by-side to see how much they have changed and what type of transformation has occurred over the years.
Some people have had issues with this challenge and were upset that the focus appeared to be primarily about one’s looks. However, I took it as an opportunity to reflect on my life and how far I’ve come over the last ten years, as well as how FB has helped to change my life and grow my business.
Facebook launched in 2004. When FB first started I was not a huge fan. I had no desire or interest in it and to be quite honest didn’t really believe it would be around as long as it has. In fact, I didnt even create an account until 2008, almost 4 years later.
Now, I have to say that FB and social media has become a big part of my life- both personally and professionally.
The rise of social media and networking has made it faster and easier to access information around the world and communicate with one another. Whether through a simple tweet, post on Instagram or a status update on Facebook, we can instantly be made aware of different issues around the world.
For many, especially business owners, social media has moved from a “nice to have” to a “must have”.
FB in particular is a great tool to help you communicate and connect with friends, share your story or opinion and as a business, connect and engage with customers, provide great customer service by responding to customers in real time, and a great tool to help hire new employees.
I have no doubt social media is changing and will continue to change our society. This change is permanent and upcoming generations won’t even know a world where social media does not exist. While social media has its advantages and disadvantages (like everything else) it’s up to the user to decide how he/she will use it.
Just like with the challenge- is it about looks or an opportunity to see how far you’ve come and share your dreams and goals for the future?
I am grateful to have FB and particularly like looking through my memories and photos. Gone are the bulky photo albums from my past to digital albums online. What a great way to document one’s life and legacy.
For the Then to Now Challenge- I uploaded my two photos and what I see is a girl who was more fearful to try new things, content with the status quo, stuck in a job she didn’t like, and not very athletic… to a woman who doesn’t back down, quit her job to pursue her dreams and open her own business, competed in several athletic events (even a full Ironman in July 2018), and tries to live each day to the fullest without any regrets.
Thank you FB for giving me this opportunity to reflect, for storing and saving my photos and memories, and for helping me to stay connected to those around me.