As my birthday approaches, I am excited to say that I will be 35. I am happy to admit it and am looking forward to celebrating it. I know that birthdays for a lot of people can be scary. Not everyone likes to admit it’s their birthday, they hate admitting how old they are, they don’t want to celebrate, and it’s all because, for whatever reason, birthdays have a tendency to make us feel bad about ourselves. I think most people feel that they aren’t in the place they thought they’d be at their age which is why, as we turn another year older, we start to feel down. It seems to some, that time continues to pass, but they’re standing still. Common things I’ve found that people are often unhappy about are: how their body looks, their weight, their job, their relationship, or the fact that they aren’t in one, they haven’t started a family, etc… So birthdays tend to be a reminder of all the things we don’t like about ourselves or what we don’t have in our lives, so I’d like to change that. Continue reading Happy 35th Birthday to Me!