Guilty Pleasures

Recently, I started thinking about some of my guilty pleasures. The urban dictionary defines guilty pleasures as those things we shouldn’t like, but we like anyway. Sometimes guilty pleasures can be things we are afraid to admit to doing or liking. However, if we really like something do we really have to feel guilty about it?  Why should guilty pleasures make us feel ashamed or cause us to hang our heads in shame? We should be open about the things we like and not feel guilty. Guilt to me is a wasted emotion.  Life is too short to not enjoy what you love!  So for this week’s blog, I’ve decided to share some of my guilty pleasures. What are yours? Are some of yours the same as mine?

Top 10 Guilty Pleasures: (in no particular order)

1.  Listening to 90s on 9 on Sirius Radio- Everytime I get in the car, I have to put it on. It brings me back to my high school days when I would drive around blasting music with my windows down. I still love listening to TLC, Eminem, NSYNC, Jay-Z, Jewel, and Kid Rock (just to name a few).

keep-calm-and-be-team-edward-102.  Watching Twilight- I am Team Edward all the way. I am obsessed with all the movies and have watched them on repeat for hours and days straight. I sometimes imagine becoming a vampire! Oh… Edward <3 A few Christmas ago my husband even bought me an Edward pillowcase that I still use every night!

3.  Eating peanut butter directly from the jar- I am a PB addict. I think I may actually have a problem because I cannot get enough of it. I eat it by the spoonful or love it with anything- i.e. bread, fruit, in a smoothie. Sometimes,  I look for things to eat just so I can add PB to them and then have an excuse to eat it.

Yay Burpees!

4.  High knee socks- I feel like I can’t run without my high knee 2XU compression socks or workout with my high knee “Sox Box” socks. I feel like the high socks help me perform better and make me feel strong and prepared, ready to take on the world 😉

5.  Reading “OK” magazine- I’ll flip through at the checkout aisle of the grocery store or when I get a pedicure. That magazine is so bad, it’s good. I don’t care that most of that celebrity stuff isn’t true; I just like living vicariously through some of the celebs.

trhwnj6.  Watching the Real Housewives- I love the NJ, NYC, and OC ladies. They’re like a train wreck, you can’t believe you’re watching it, but you also can’t seem to look away. I have them all saved on DVR and look forward to having an afternoon/night when I can sit on the couch and veg out.

7.  Eating on the couch- I love to eat with my feet up and plate in my lap while watching a movie or favorite show! Who needs a table and chairs when you can relax, recline, and enjoy a delicious meal

8.  Eating salad with my fingers- My husband hates when I do this, but I love it. I think salad tastes so much better with your fingers! I grab the bowl and pick away.


9.  Shopping on Amazon- This is sooooo dangerous… we have Amazon Prime and if I want something, Amazon is the first place I go.  With one click of a button I can order it and get it delivered the very next day!! What’s better than that?? It’s nice to find something in the mail other than bills. It kinda feels like Christmas when the package arrives.

50ShadesofGreyCoverArt10.  I love reading trashy romance novels- or contemporary novels as they are sometimes referred to.  I don’t want to read anything that makes me think too much. I want to read and get lost in the romance. I don’t care if it’s poor writing as long as it has a hot billionaire!  I also love the feeling of a book coma- this is when you get so wrapped up in a book that it becomes hard to distinguish between facts and fiction lol… I’ve read 50 Shades of Grey at least 6 times and have seen the movie 4 times. I can’t wait for the sequel to come out. My husband and I went on opening night for the first one and I can’t wait to do it again once the second one hits theaters!!

