“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain
At times, I can get uncomfortable with the idea of having uncertainty in any area or aspect of my life. I am an over scheduler (to a fault, I have a hard time saying no) and a planner. I plan my schedule rigidly to the minute- how long I’ll sleep, when I’ll workout, work, hang with friends, spend time with family etc… I’ve got a schedule lined up for the next few days, weeks, and even months.
I like to have control and I enjoy having things a certain way so I know what to expect. For example, I know that on Monday I am going to wake up walk the dogs, run, go to crossfit, yoga, work, test, teach, have dinner go to bed…. Then it’s back to square one on Tuesday. I feel comfortable knowing what to expect. So when I lose this control it can result in discomfort, anxiety, and sometimes fear. However, I’ve discovered recently that it’s ok to have uncertainty in life and it actually can be kind of fun!!
Having quit my job this fall/winter to open a yoga studio (that hasn’t opened yet, but I’m still working on), I began freaking out… “what was I going to do for work while I waited for my plans to fall into place?”. I got anxious, wondering to myself “what the hell was I going to do with my life?”, I tried not to freak out and began to have faith that it would all workout and that the universe would guide me to where I was supposed to be. I discovered that uncertainty sometimes forces us to explore aspects in life we never even knew existed and that’s what makes uncertainty and change so beautiful. Having done so, I started encountering numerous opportunities, found new jobs, met new people, etc.. that I would never have, if my plans weren’t altered or if I had stayed inside my comfort zone.
So while I still believe that planning is important and having goals are good too, it’s also ok to take a leap of faith, jump and see where you land. Trust that something will be there to catch you. So when you hit bumps in the road and need to alter your plan, just go with it. Think of it as a new adventure and see where the road leads!!
Right now, I could not be happier!! Change and uncertainty are crucial in the process of creating the type of life we want to live and the people we want to be. I’ve tried to open my eyes and embrace not having everything figured out all the time. So if you think of the future and you don’t see any clear picture, rather than get stressed or anxious, think of it as a blank canvas with endless opportunities to fill it with color. Maybe wake up one morning with no plans and just paint as you go, creating your own beautiful masterpiece.
Just like in the quote above by Mark Twain- explore life, discover new things, go after your dreams; accept change and uncertainty and begin to explore the unknown.
Good Luck & Have FUN!!