Today is my birthday. Believe it or not, I am 37 years old!!!
Sometimes I stop and wonder how I got to be this age and where the time has gone. I remember when I was a kid and thought that people in their 30’s were old and over the hill… lol
Now it’s dawned on me that I am in my late 30s. But I am much too young to be 37, right? I mean I don’t feel 37. But what does feeling 37 really mean? I have no idea. All I know is that I feel better now than I did in my twenties. I am fitter, healthier, and so much happier in my personal and professional life. I feel positive about life and excited to see all that my future holds!
I can say that my thirties have proven to be, so far, the most fulfilling, enriching, meaningful and life-enhancing decade of my life. Not only have I found more peace and love within and for myself, but I also found the courage to change careers, open a business and make fitness my full time gig. I started running, swimming, and completing in numerous endurance events around the world, traveling to over 10 countries. I’ve started on this brand new and exciting journey that has completely rejuvenated me and I could not feel more proud, excited, and grateful. I think that I have found my calling and purpose in life, and have to say that when you find it, magical things happen.
I know that I am a very lucky lady and feel truly blessed. I wake up every day and thank god for my life. And as I take a moment to reflect on the last 37 years here are some words of advice that I have to offer.
A few words of wisdom from this 37 year old- (in no particular order)
1. Stop wasting or wishing your life away. It’s time to stop existing and start living!
- Hate your job? Find a new one.
- Want to run a marathon? Do it!
- Want to visit another country? Charge it and go.
You’re not getting any younger and tomorrow isn’t guaranteed, so live today.
2. Stop getting in your own way! You are the only one stopping you from living the life you want and the life you have imagined. Things may get tough and when it does, you can give up or you can continue to preserve and follow our dreams. It is up to YOU!
3. Don’t work too hard. There is more to life than your job. Spend time with family and friends, take time to travel and explore, just be present and live in the moment.
4. Let go of negativity- people, things, whatever it may be. Don’t allow others to bring you down or hold you back. Surround yourself with people who encourage you, support you, and inspire you.
5. Try something new. Ten years ago, I never thought I had a runner’s body and I was deathly afraid of the water, but now I run marathons and compete in triathlons. I’ve realized that I am capable of so much more than I gave myself credit for. So try something new, step outside your comfort zone, you may surprise yourself.
6. Take time for you every day. Go for a walk, run, yoga class, read… whatever it may be, remember to care for yourself and do things that fill your cup.
7. Love yourself and be kind to yourself. Stop with the negativity and putting yourself down. Stop hating yourself for everything you aren’t and start loving yourself for everything you are. You are special and have many things to offer this world. Believe in you!
8. Pain is temporary. Stop allowing yourself to be hindered by it. When you hit rock bottom, you feel like you are never going to be able to crawl out from that hole… but that’s not true. Bad things may happen but you cannot let them define you or have a lasting impact on your life. Learn from the pain you endure, but then let it go.
9. Karma is real. I’ve seen it happen personally and for friends. If you give more, you’ll get more. The energy you put out is what you get back, so be good & do good.
10. Gratitude is the key to happiness. It’s powerful and it works! Always be grateful for what you have; no matter how bad things seem, there’s always someone who has it worse. “Gratitude is an attitude!”