Tomorrow, I’ll be running the NYC marathon! This will be my fourth marathon and I could not be more thrilled to be running. I have been training hard and feeling good!
On race day, I just need to remember that the real marathon has already happened, that was the journey here. Tomorrow is my 26.2 celebration of all my hard work that has gotten me to this point and I could not be more thrilled and excited to celebrate. In the end, I know that there will be lots to celebrate. For one, I hope this will be the marathon in which I break four hours, at least that’s the plan. If not, I will still be proud of my accomplishment, happy for the opportunity to run, grateful for the crowds cheering me on along the way, and happy to spending the day with friends and family who all love and support me, particularly my husband, my biggest supporter, and my number 1 fan- Dan!
So gearing up for tomorrow, I have a lot to do to prepare!!! Us runners can be a pretty superstitious breed and most of us have a few rituals we tend to do before a big race, at least I do…
Some of mine include:
- Before going to bed and first thing in the morning, I’ll visualize myself crossing the finish line as the clock shows a new personal best.
- I like to make sure I rest and de-stress, even getting my yoga on
- Read positive & motivational quotes
- Carb up! I plan to eat some homemade pasta and bread for dinner (courtesy of Dan)!
- Prepare my outfit- Don’t want to wear anything new on race day.
- Charge my watch and Ipod
- Make sure I have a great 4 hour playlist all ready and cued up!
- Morning of, I plan to eat 2 breakfast, one at 7:00 & one at 9:30. I love my banana and PB sandwich before a long run or big race!
- Go out and enjoy the journey, the crowds, and the views along the way!
Let’s do this!! NYC here I come!!